Combat the ‘Winter Blues’ with designer radiators to lift your mood

Don't let dark night and cold morning dampen your mood.

As the nights draw in for the winter months, depression can be a real issue.  Far from feeling slightly down and uncomfortable – also called the so-called ‘Winter Blues’ which is thought to affect about 20% of the UK population - some people suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) – a clinical condition which is thought to affect about 2% of the UK population.  For a minority this condition can be seriously debilitating.

There are a number of methods to help combat the disorder – timed exposure to special lights which replicate sunlight, complementary therapies or even drugs can alleviate the symptoms.  But if you have the ‘Winter Blues’, how about designer radiators to help lift your mood?

As well as keeping your home warm and comfortable during the winter months, there are designer radiators available with bright, summery images – a tropical beach, summer meadow or beautiful sunset – which can really give you something to smile about.

You could even have an image of your own - just the thing for the cold and dark winter months.

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